In the month of May Emily's class reviewed all the letters, worked on measuring and writing, the color purple, and the bible verse, "Teach me, O Lord."
May was a busy month starting with Muffins with Mom which Emily was so excited about. I was honored to go to her school for a muffin and a little play time with my big girl. In the middle of the month Turtles led chapel for the last time this year. As always I was so proud to see Emily perform in front on her school. The last bit of fun in the month of May was the Shining Star Family Luau Picnic. There were games, face painting, hot dogs, a silent auction, a raffle, Kona Shave Ice, and lots of fun with friends. We all had a great time.
I can't believe school is out in a couple of weeks. We're super looking forward to the end of the year program and Open House.
Emily made cards for her teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week. |
Emily wore her turtle shirt for the day her class led chapel. |
Us Pineapple girls ready for the Luau. |
Grouchy Ladybug Face |
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