In the month of November Emily's class learned the letters Uu & Qu, the numbers 7 & 8, the color blue, the shape star, the math concept was patterning, and the bible verse was, "God gave his son." The Trusting Turtles also lead Chapel where they sang Christmas songs and enacted the story of the birth of Jesus. It's always so fun to watch them perform. Before Christmas break the class also had a Birthday Party for Jesus. The kids performed their Christmas songs again for the parents and then had a pizza party. Merry Christmas to All!
"Snow Way" |
Madi wouldn't leave her sister alone during Chapel. She wanted to sit with her, sing with her, dance with her. |
Unfortunately the videos were too big to upload:(
"OMG Santa" |
"I'm on the nice list" |
Emily is second row on the end:
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