My baby girl has one year down and 15 more to go. I have a pit in my stomach as I right this because I can not believe my sweet girl has finished her first year of preschool. Why is it that time flies faster and faster?
I looked back at my post School Days-August and reminded myself that we debated putting Emily in school so young and looking back it was the best decision ever. She LOVED school and learned so much. I really wanted her to reap the social benefits and I think it was a total success.
This month Emily had her end of the year program with the other classes. It was the cutest thing ever. Emily was so excited and totally put on a show; she had no stage fright at all. She sang and danced with a huge smile on her face the whole time. Part way thru her songs she yelled out, "Hi Dad!!!," a minute later, "Hi Mom!!!," followed by, "Hi Voa Voa!!!" and lastly, "Hi Grandma!!!" She had the crowd laughing. It brought tears to my eyes to see what a shining star (no pun intended) she is! She isn't shy and she has such a love for life. I pray that she keeps this spirit as she grows up. After the performance we had snow cones on the lawn and then went to her classroom for an open house. We saw all the projects the class has been working on and we got to take home a binder that Emily worked on all year.
Also this month Emily had Donuts with Dad, which she was thrilled about. Daddy was just as excited to have a date with his girl at school. She made daddy a present which he got to bring home that day.
A huge thank you to Miss Claudia and Miss Rebecca for being the best teachers. Emily loved them so much and she was so excited to see them each school day. I also want to thank all of Shining Star School for being so warm and kind to our family. We absolutely love this school and can't wait for next year. As Emily told me today, "I'm still going to go to Shining Star School, just not a Ladybug."
Happy Summer!
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