Our wedding season just ended, we had four weddings in two months. As the first of our friends to get married I know how important it is to make time for date night. I wanted to give our dear friends some inspiration for carving out the time to spend together. One gift was a shower gift and the other was a wedding gift. They turned out so cute!
Shower Gift- Personalized Popcorn Bowl, tons of goodies for movie night, and a gift card to Redbox. |
Wedding Gift- Popcorn Popper, two beer steins, 2 beers, and popcorn kernels. I made the kernel tag that says, "Love is Sharing your Popcorn."
Shower Gift Tag |
Wedding Gift Tag
Popcorn Kernel Tags
Right Click on the images to save them to your computer.
Darling!!!!!! Such a great idea!